OR Seminar: INFORMS Practice Talks

2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall

Come out and show the love for the OR Ph.D. students who are practicing their talks for the upcoming INFORMS Annual Conference.


OR Seminar: Vincent Yu

2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall

Please welcome Vincent Yu, a postdoctoral research scholar in the Department of Business Management at NC State, as he discusses the effects of CSR performance and price on consumer purchasing Decisions.


OR Seminar: Beth Ashmore and Moira Downey

2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall

Please welcome Moira Downet and Beth Ashmore from the NC State Libraries as they will show you how to prepare your research data for public use.


OR Seminar: Daniela Jones

2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall

Don't miss this discussion about agriculture analytics featuring Daniela Jones, an assistant professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.


OR Seminar: New Student Orientation

2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall

Welcome new Operations Research students. Don't miss out on the introduction to the program and an overview of the requirements for new students with Dr. Maria Mayorga.